Monday, November 15, 2010

Question my clout?

I rock gloves to over my tough.
These knuckles never lie.
Got to hide the scars that show my fights.
And trick you with my smiles.

This corset hugs me tight.
You can't deny my sensuality.
I love hard, my peaks and valleys
demand reciprocity.

These stilettos - carry my weight
My heels own the space I walk.
The earth trembles. I remind her of my strength.
I puncture her with my thoughts.

She blossoms - my spit nurtures the soil
resilient bamboo spurts all the way out.
I'm surrounded with a forest of might.
The universe doesn't question my clout.

1 comment:

  1. Well Hell, I dont question it either. You got it babe..been had it in my eyes forever. and I have known you over a decade!
